At the end of January the National Institute of Health (NIH) released a study that looked at the effect of the COVID vaccine on fertility. 

Data was analyzed from an internet-based pregnancy study that included more than 2,000 vaccinated and unvaccinated couples in the U.S. and Canada.

Results concluded that the chances of conception did not change with either partner’s vaccination status. 

Dr. Amelia Wesselink who headed the research at Boston University School of Public Health said “Our study shows for the first time that COVID-19 vaccination in either partner is unrelated to fertility among couples trying to conceive through intercourse. Time-to-pregnancy was very similar regardless of vaccination status.”

The study did show, however, find that if the male partner had tested positive for Covid-19 infection within 60 days prior to his partner’s menstrual cycle, conception was less likely to occur during that time.